E3D V6 Titanium HeatBreak - 1,75 mm
A titanium V6 HeatBreak. Filament diameters are not cross-compatible. Czytaj więcej

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V6 titanium HeatBreak

Titanium V6 HeatBreaks are the perfect upgrade for printing at higher temperatures, helping to maintain a sharply defined melt zone at higher temperatures.

Now Even Colder

Genuine E3D HeatBreaks feature a refined internal surface finish to reduce extrusion force and improve retraction reliability. Made from grade 5 titanium, these HeatBreaks are exceptionally strong and have lower thermal conductivity than stainless steel HeatBreaks, allowing you to keep the cold side of your HotEnd even colder.


The increased strength of these breaks means that they are also much less likely to crack or snap, either while hot-tightening or on the occasional collision with printed parts or printer bed.

E3D V6 Titanium HeatBreak - 1,75 mm

E3D V6 Titanium HeatBreak - 1,75 mm
E3D V6 Titanium HeatBreak - 1,75 mm


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